

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Thanks to my counsellor =)

Thanks for the call yesterday ^^
Appreciate a lot
At first was thinking to solve that problem
But at last turn up with solving my problem

It have been a long time we did not chat to each others for such a long long time...
Pity to your mom's wallet (since need to pay for the phone bill)
Talked about my dilemma
Which course to choose???

You asked me to think about which barrier is the barrier that I can overcome it
Whether is the stress level or English level
I told you I THINK is the English level instead of stress level
Since I cannot control my stress
Everytime I asked myself don't stress don't stress
But end up still will stress even though I have prepared well for the exam
But I THINK I can overcome the English level problem by improving my English level
But another problem is what I said was just what I think
Not much confidence I can do it
Since I born to be a person who is weak in English =(
So I'm still considering whether to choose the course or not XDD

Thanks to U =)
After share everything to you I feel better
Include those matter that I never tell any of my friends
Really appreciate a lot to have you as my best friends!
Thank you =)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Stop doing that!!!
Don't always depend on me and start to lazy!!!!
Don't always give me the excuse you are tired and you want to sleep!!!
That why you don't want go library!!!!!
You made me MAD!!!!
You are tired because you like to sleep at midnight!!!!
Everytime ask you go library also give me a lot of excuses!!!!!


Really feel super guilty on that event happened on her
But sorry can't cure anything
Feel so sorry
Don't know what should I do
If I didn't suggest that
The event will not happen!!!
Don't know what should I do!!!!
Today will be an insomnia night for me
I wish to cry
But can't cry
It made me even more suffer!!!

Sunday, May 6, 2012


Last semester of my Diploma
Need to be super hardworking
No more laziness!!!!
Must do all the tutorials!!!
I hope i can start to do my tutorials tonight!!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Scar - Sorry can't cure everything =(

If you use a knife to cut someone
And after you cut, you say sorry
But the scar is already there
Even after it recovered
The scar still will be there

Think twice before you say something or do something
Not every sorry will solve all the problems